Saturday, September 14, 2013

Star Trek: The Final Frontier

by Rose

Star Trek: The Original Series first aired in 1966, and over 47 years later, it still has one of the largest fan bases known to TV history.

“Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.” -Captain Kirk

Just hearing those words makes me want to put on a space suit and jump on a rocket. Even if you’re not a huge nerd, or love space, Star Trek is an awesome show. I used to not like space. I didn’t dislike it, I was just ‘meh’ about the whole idea. Then my dad pulled it up on Netflix, and I got hooked. I’d spend 4 hours a day watching Kirk, Spock, and Bones (sometimes Scotty) beam down to an unknown planet and watch the adventure unfold.

The costumes and effects are a little cheesey, but that’s what adds to the whole package. I really hope they don’t try to do a ‘remake’ of the series. The series is perfect, and the movie remakes should be about as far as it goes. My favorite character is Spock. Whose favorite character isn’t? He only thinks logically, and even though he doesn’t have emotions (or so he claims), like a pure-blood Vulcan, he’s funny with his lack of knowledge of feelings. He’s completely “Fascinating.”

Star Trek is great; the actors portray their characters perfectly. Interesting, entertaining, and awesomeness are all accurate synonyms for this show. If you don’t at least try watching it, I can guarantee you’re missing out.

“Live long and prosper.”

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