Tuesday, June 17, 2014

...And Then There Was Shipping.

by Molly

We’ve all had those time when we’ve found a book series or a movie or even a band that we just can’t get enough of. Then when said book series, movie, or musical group comes to an end, we are all left thinking, “I wonder what would happen if things had ended differently...” Thus, fanfiction was born!

Some fandoms have been more receptive to this new facet of their fan base than others. The cast of The Vampire Diaries has even gone as far as to read (and write) some of the nonsensical work themselves (See here). The show’s writer had become so accustomed to hearing about new “ships” that she actually began to find ways of incorporating them into her scripts. For those who are fans of The Vampire Diaries, you will be interested to know that this is actually how the Klaus/Caroline plot line came to be!

For those of you who don’t know what “shipping” is, this is the accepted definition, cerca internetslang.com:
n. short for romantic relationship, popularized in fanfiction circles;         to endorse a romantic relationship.”
We get very serious about our fandoms, clearly. I mean, I’ve been known to creep around an RPG or two in my time. Seriously, though - have we ever put any thought into what the authors and actors think about their fandoms?

For example, Benedict Cumberbatch was said to have been “flattered” after having found Sherlock fanfiction on the web. There are other performers, however, who find the entire idea of the thing completely awkward. And I would have to say that I agree with them. I mean, some of that stuff can get pretty raunchy. I’m not saying that writers shouldn’t write. I’m just saying that if you think to yourself, “Would I be embarrassed if my mom found this?” and the answer is yes, then you should probably banish it to the farthest reaches of your external hard drive where it belongs, only to be taken out once a year for ComicCon.

Some fandoms do have more ships than others, and these are the ones that I find particularly befuddling. The Harry Potter series, for one, has more than 300 characters in its entirety, and nearly every single one has a “ship”. There are the “normal” ones that everyone has thought of, such as Dramione (Draco/Hermione), Snily (Snape/Lily), and Drarry (Draco/Harry). Then there are the ones that, as I mentioned earlier, should’ve been buried in the recesses of the originator’s computer. These include Honks (Harry/Tonks), Vinny (Voldemort/Ginny), or even Dermione (Dumbledore/Hermione).

While it is very enjoyable some times to mess around with your favorite characters in those “‘What If...?” scenarios, a lot of the time it is smart to just leave it in your files. Because remember the old saying: Once it’s on the internet, it’s out there forever.

Do you really want to run the risk of one of your employers finding that LiveJournal or Tumblr account where you posted your raunchy Les Miserables fanfiction when you were fourteen? No?


Just keep in mind, it’s totally fine to have your “ships”. It’s totally okay to have your secret Tumblr account that you go to to fangirl over Glee every once in a while. But unless you’re banking on becoming the next E.L. James (Fifty Shades of Grey), I would be wary and keep it sanitary!

What fandoms are you part of? What ships do you sail? What are some of the best (and worst) fanfictions you’ve ever seen? Let me know in the comments below!

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